Monday, 21 May 2012

Third energy system

This energy system uses oxygen.

The first step is that it bring oxygen into the muscles where glucose is but when we run out of glucose then we use fat instead because we need to create energy to survive so we burn fat. Where then 2 ATP molecules and lactic acid that goes to the next step

The second step is Kreb cycle where everything reacts and creates 2 ATP, carbon dioxide and also hydrogen because the hydrogen is used in the next part to create a large amount of ATP. The hydrogen then goES to the next step.

The third step is called the electric transport chain some are negative and positive charged. What happens is that hydrogen then reacts with the oxygen to creates 34 ATP molecule.

The sports that se this energy system are;
600 meter

Monday, 14 May 2012

Second energy system Lactic

Lactic acid system. It's called that because it is a byproduct because . It's called glycolysis this is the break down of glucose. The time it lasts is 10-60 seconds. Glucoses stored as glycogen in muscles then creates 2 ATP molecule created and it is called anerobic because of the lack of oxygen when using this system. When you do activities you can see when you change systems because you becomes slower because it takes longer to create an ATP for energy. The byproduct of  this is lactic acid this is not good because the pain becomes the limiter of the body an takes longer because it needs to be pumped around the body because it is a poison to the body and is to slow down the body so that it can change energy systems.

The number of ATP molecule created are 2.

The sports that used that is:
400 meters
1 min push ups

First energy system ATP

there are three types of energy system ATP-PC system, lactic acid system and arobic system this last ten seconds where this is wher a cemical reaction happens then after then second we need to eat food to get creatine. the ATP (that is three phosphorus)becomes ADP because one P thats one 1 phospheres then PC then breaks and then (P) phospheres then go to the ADP then becomes ATP because you need to restore it and the only way is to eat food.

The number of ATP molecule created are 1.


list ATP-PC system activities:
100 meter sprint
long jump
50 meter swimming
badminton where hit shotle surve
football where you shoot and jump for header

the lesson in which we where in the gym the activitys that needed the ATP-PC system are
pull ups and leg press.The reason that these use the ATP-PC system because it short 10 second burst so they fall into the ATP-PC category.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Long term effects

Increase in tendon strength.This happen when you exercise because your tendon gets stronger but if you use it too much then it wares out so it becomes weaker over time.

increase in bone density. This means that your bones become more tightly compact so bones become denser. This happen because when you exercise the high impact of the outside of your bone and there forms small crack that then re-heal so strengthing bone and  bone becomes more compact because so then it becomes more harder so for example footbollers have high bone density then their is less chance of breaking their bones.

Increase in thickness of hyaline cartilage increases with exercise so when the movements of joints becomes easier to do. This is because the body need to get used to exercise so it creates more hyalike cartilage.

Increase production of synovial fluid because the movement and flexible of the joints becomes easyer to do like in tennis where movement is essential

More cartilage from exercise because so it then can take impact better and then their will be better movement because the cartilage between your bones do not allow your bone to rube against each other so you are quicker, less pain and take more impact.

Increase in lung capacity because your diorama and intercostal muscles increase  in strength so your ribs open more because the stronger they are the better they can push the ribs so more air goes into your lung where alveoli are to transfer to the blood stream. This could help for example long distance swimmers and deep sea divers because you can hold more oxygen.

Muscle increase because they get small tear and then repair so they get bigger.When you exercise your muscle tear so your heart is a muscle so it gets stronger from tearing so the the stroke volume increases this is important in weight lifting where you need to lift as much as possible.

Your red blood cells increase from exercise because it need to get more oxygen to your body so it produces more but when you get used to the exercise there are more blood cells in the body.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Musculoskeletal system

Musculoskeletal system is the bones and muscles

What we did is to see our flexibility before and after trampleaning because it worms up our body so the bodys flexibility increases. We specially used our hip joint and our thigh muscle.

The bones have two types of joints.They are hinge joints also boll and socket joints.

Hinge joints move two ways and the boll and socket joints move 360

The result mean that I am more flexible after worming up the muscles because we can't find out how flexible by cutting yourself open so we uses flexibility tests like the sit and reach test.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


My heart rate increase at the same time my blood pressure increases. This happen b my arteries restricts so that my blood flows faster so more oxygen goes to my muscles and the carbon dioxide leaves so my breathing rate increases.

Respreation system

My blood pressure or sistolic and diostolic is 128/61 before and after it was 147/66 and my blood pressure mean that my heart rate increased very high showing that I am not anerobically fit because when doing anerobic exercises the heart rate increases but not by much from trained professionals.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Respreation system

The despiratory susytem is made up of the lungs and breathing. We can not train our breathing like cordiovascula system.

single worm up activitygroup worm up

We did activitys singles and in a group so we found out that its a harder to do single activitys than group because single you need to move a lot more than if you do it as a group so we need a lot more oxygen and water.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Caduovascula testing

How we tested our fitness is by doing a walk around the pitch

Taking our heart beat for a 1 min and recording before, buring and after


The reason that are heart beat went up after is because my heart need to beat more to get blood with oxygen to the rest of my body

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Cardiovascular system

What we learned today was about the cardiovascular system.
How we tested our heart rate was by walking around the astro for about 6 min and we checked our heart rate before, middle and after the walk.

What happend was that before we walked the heart rate was much slower than  doing it and after was beating harderand for a longer peroid of time because our body need more oxygen and water thats why our BPM was higher inbetween and after the walk.