Monday, 21 May 2012

Third energy system

This energy system uses oxygen.

The first step is that it bring oxygen into the muscles where glucose is but when we run out of glucose then we use fat instead because we need to create energy to survive so we burn fat. Where then 2 ATP molecules and lactic acid that goes to the next step

The second step is Kreb cycle where everything reacts and creates 2 ATP, carbon dioxide and also hydrogen because the hydrogen is used in the next part to create a large amount of ATP. The hydrogen then goES to the next step.

The third step is called the electric transport chain some are negative and positive charged. What happens is that hydrogen then reacts with the oxygen to creates 34 ATP molecule.

The sports that se this energy system are;
600 meter

Monday, 14 May 2012

Second energy system Lactic

Lactic acid system. It's called that because it is a byproduct because . It's called glycolysis this is the break down of glucose. The time it lasts is 10-60 seconds. Glucoses stored as glycogen in muscles then creates 2 ATP molecule created and it is called anerobic because of the lack of oxygen when using this system. When you do activities you can see when you change systems because you becomes slower because it takes longer to create an ATP for energy. The byproduct of  this is lactic acid this is not good because the pain becomes the limiter of the body an takes longer because it needs to be pumped around the body because it is a poison to the body and is to slow down the body so that it can change energy systems.

The number of ATP molecule created are 2.

The sports that used that is:
400 meters
1 min push ups

First energy system ATP

there are three types of energy system ATP-PC system, lactic acid system and arobic system this last ten seconds where this is wher a cemical reaction happens then after then second we need to eat food to get creatine. the ATP (that is three phosphorus)becomes ADP because one P thats one 1 phospheres then PC then breaks and then (P) phospheres then go to the ADP then becomes ATP because you need to restore it and the only way is to eat food.

The number of ATP molecule created are 1.


list ATP-PC system activities:
100 meter sprint
long jump
50 meter swimming
badminton where hit shotle surve
football where you shoot and jump for header

the lesson in which we where in the gym the activitys that needed the ATP-PC system are
pull ups and leg press.The reason that these use the ATP-PC system because it short 10 second burst so they fall into the ATP-PC category.